The Facebook Inc platforms WhatsApp, Facebook, Facebook Messenger and Instagram I am depressed. Shortly after 6 PM, users started having problems sending and receiving messages and accessing platforms. Thousands of Reports Come from all over Italy and around the world and sign up for Panicked users wrote from India, Turkey, Indonesia, and Mexico. But also from the United States, Brazil and Argentina. An hour later, around 19.00, WhatsApp appears to have restarted. In addition to other platforms: notifications are sent and messages are received. Shortly thereafter it arrives too The official memo of the company: Today’s technical issue caused some problems accessing Facebook services. The problem is now resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience.
The last time Where all three of the Mark Zuckerberg platforms collapsed together dated July 3, 2019 and ran into an issue that persisted About 17 hours.
In this case today, March 19, most users complained Inability to receive or send messages via WhatsApp. Few have problems logging in. Reports also on InstagramHolidays appear to be a concern Conclusion Update. Fewer reports for The social networking site Facebook: The haywire app is gone. Related hashtags, #whatsappdown, #instagramdown, and #facebookdown, have clearly moved up the trend ranking on Twitter.
The causes of defects in this type can be of different types: Temporary damage to servers, malfunctions in some connections, overloads or maintenance operations Ordinary and extraordinary. As shown here, usually when one server fails, there is another server ready to replace it. But in some cases, Chain reaction depressions That affects the completion of part or all of the jobs. Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsaApp share some resourcesHence, problems can develop in a comprehensive manner.
March 19, 2021 (Change to March 19, 2021 | 19:53)
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