New Delhi, June 30: There is a lot of fake news making the rounds on social media and spreading false information to the masses. Recently, a post went viral on several social media platforms, including Twitter, claiming that the Bhagavad Gita has been made compulsory for students in Holland from grade 5 onwards. The statement in the post is incorrect.
When performing a reverse image search in Google, the viral image, circulating with the bogus claim, was uploaded to the Iskon Desire Tree website in September 2013. In particular, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), also known as the Hare Krishna movement, calls for To the teachings of Lord Krishna. The United States used the image of Mahatma Basavishwar on the hundred dollar bill? The converted image spreads very quickly with a false claim; Here’s the truth.
This is the viral post with the false claim:
Hare Krishna
– Maithili (@SuvarnBharat) 26 June 2021
This is not the first time that this image has appeared on various social media platforms with a similar claim. Almost five years ago, the photo was posted on Facebook and Twitter. Meanwhile, the Dutch government’s official website does not mention the Bhagavad Gita classes that are made compulsory from grade 5. The list of compulsory subjects on the site includes Dutch, English, social and environmental sciences, arithmetic and mathematics.
The same message was posted in 2016:
Bhagavad Gita lessons have become compulsory for Dutch students of group 5. Dutch Law in India – Common Book
– 🕉️ #PuRu… 🕉️ (Puru_Tweet) September 19, 2016
A few days ago, an old photo of a river from Manila, the Philippines, claiming that the Methi River in Mumbai was choked with plastic waste also went viral. Several social media users in India shared the photo with the false claim and compared it to the Sabarmati River frontage in Ahmedabad.
newly She advises her readers to check the news before sharing it on social media.
reality check التحقق
Claim :
Bhagvad Gita is compulsory in schools in the Netherlands from group 5
An old photo of two little girls goes viral with a false claim
(The above story first appeared on LastLY on June 30, 2021 10:45AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website
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