The WhatsApp instant messaging application witnessed the worst week in its history, after the service was interrupted by millions of users, who were unable to access their accounts and correspondence, after the sudden malfunction that paralyzed the corners of the world in the platforms affiliated with Facebook last week, and despite the passage of days on this The malfunction lasted more than 6 hours, but the real reason is still unknown.
The most powerful and secure WhatsApp competitor announces surprising news
Because of the malfunction, The WhatsAppAnd other reasons related to privacy and data sharing with Facebook, and the ability to inform WhatsApp employees of users’ messages, especially after a number of countries imposed large financial fines on him due to the issue of privacy and personal data, millions of people were frustrated with this application despite its great popularity around the world.
Which made millions leave What’s Up And they rush to the most powerful competitor application, which is more secure and light in use, despite Mark Zuckerberg’s apology, as Telegram founder Pavel Dorov confirmed that there are record numbers that left WhatsApp and downloaded Telegram, the strongest and fierce competitor to WhatsApp.
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The Telegram application is characterized by its fully encrypted conversations, and provides its users with easy ways to keep the user in constant and continuous contact with his friends and loved ones, and the Telegram application has about 500 million subscribers, and during the holidays that hit WhatsApp, about 70 million new users joined it in just 6 hours Which the founder of Telegram called “the Great Migration from WhatsApp”, expressing his pride in this unprecedented growth in the number of users, and at the same time stressing that he would not let users down if others failed.
Six alternatives to WhatsApp
There are also many other alternative applications to WhatsApp, such as the Signal application, the LINE application, the Threema application, the Wire application and the Discord application. WhatsApp added it recently, and for more alternative applications from here.
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