In the new thriller The Desperate Hour, Naomi Watts plays a mother who discovers while running that a shooting has occurred at her son’s school. What follows is a race against time to save her offspring. Watch the trailer and poster below.
Newly widowed Amy Carr (Watts), is doing her best to get back to normal life for the sake of her two children. One day, while jogging in the woods, the village is in turmoil due to a shooting at Ibn Aimee’s school. She is not around at all, so she has to run very fast to save her son. new address
The movie was previously called Lakewood, referring to the location where the events are being held, but due to the bad reviews so far, the content makers have decided to come up with a new title.
The rest of the cast includes Colton Jobo and Sierra Maltby. Philip Noyce, known for films like patriot gamesAnd A clear and present danger in a saltThe script was written by Chris Sparling (buried, 2010).
Desperate Hour Launches on February 25 in the United States. Nothing is known about the Dutch version.
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