Russian authorities said on Sunday that assets in Russia could be confiscated from countries they consider hostile. This came in response to the US government’s proposal to liquidate the assets confiscated from the Russian oligarchy and give the product to Ukraine.
GVsource† BELGA
Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of the lower house of the Russian parliament, called such revenge justified. As an example, introduce a company on Russian soil, the owners of which come from hostile countries or hostile countries in which decisions are made to confiscate Russian assets. “It is justified to respond with the opposite action: the confiscation of assets,” he said on his Telegram channel. ‘The product from the sale will be used to develop our country.’
He accused a number of “enemy countries, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and even the United States” of not respecting international law and of committing theft. “Today, Russian businessmen buy foreign companies operating in Russia by buying shares of partners who want to leave our country,” said the Duma chairman.
He described the US government’s proposal as a “dangerous precedent that will set back the United States itself.” This decision will not affect the economy of our country. Yachts, villas and other property confiscated from wealthy citizens (from Russia, editor)“Do not contribute to development at all,” Volodin said.
Read also. Russia’s offensive in eastern Ukraine is slower than expected, ‘but this is a conscious choice’
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