A former Qualcomm director has been sued in the US for fraud. The former vice president of research and development allegedly made Qualcomm pay $150 million for technology the company already had.
The Los Angeles Times reports that the former vice president of research and development has developed a faster method for evaluating microprocessors during the “design to test” process. He achieved this development while working for Qualcomm. His contract is said to state that any intellectual property he creates while working for Qualcomm is owned by the company.
The indictment states that the former vice president of research and development, along with others, intentionally concealed his involvement in developing the method. The method was presented as a development by a Canadian student and commercialized by a startup company. This alleged student was the younger sister of the accused driver.
According to the prosecutor, the suspect was closely involved in the creation of the startup in question. For example, he would pick the name and choose the CEO (CEO). The suspect is said to have tried to hide his involvement through fake email accounts, among other things. Qualcomm eventually acquired the startup in October 2015 for $150 million. The former Vice President of Research and Development left Qualcomm in June 2016.
The former vice president of research and development was arrested Monday in San Diego along with another former Qualcomm employee. This second suspect is a businessman and consultant involved in making the startup look legitimate. The suspect’s sister was arrested in Canada, and the United States requested her extradition. The CEO of the startup in question, who is said to have led negotiations with Qualcomm, among other things, has been arrested in California.

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