Waiting time at red lights can be used to charge electric cars
© Photo by Tim Joe on Unsplash
In Japan they are experimenting Wireless charging of electric carswhile she is on Red lights stand up. The project will be in Kashiwanoha Subordinate Tokyo universities And Chiba In addition to 9 private companies (including tire manufacturer Bridgestone). Kashiwanoha Smart City is a model city where intelligent transportation systems are being tested.
The University of Tokyo has this OS Developed and reported in one press release About the project. Now the researchers want to test the durability and suitability for continuous charging of electric cars and hybrid vehicles running over them.
➤ Read more: Mobile robot charges electric cars in parking garages
Charging coils on the road surface
Charging coils are installed on the road surface in front of traffic lights. Special devices located near tires can collect electricity from them when vehicles slow down. According to scholars, 10 seconds power consumption In this way a group of approx One kilometre. With just one minute of waiting, you can get a range of up to 6 km, which can be very useful in city traffic.
The experiment is still ongoing March 10. He drives it Japanese Ministry of Transport.
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