A look at swimming in video games
For years, sports like soccer, baseball, soccer and hockey have released a video game every year with improved graphics, updated players, teams, and new features. But for sports like swimming and diving, they only drop out every four years in a video game based on that year’s Olympics.
Some of the games that have appeared in the past and are well known are the Olympic Games of 2008, 2012 and 2020. While swimming and diving may not be the main part of the game because it is the Olympic Games, both are events that you can play whether it is on your computer or console.
Among the 2008, 2012 and 2020 games, I personally think that the 2012 game feels more realistic and more fun. The game of 2008 and 2012 looks very similar in terms of graphics and gameplay, but in the 2012 version, Sega, which played a role in popularizing and developing the three games, has been improved and made the game smoother and more eye-catching.
For Tokyo 2020 games, Sega took a different approach and made the athletes look cartoonish, so it removes the realistic feel as you can also customize and enhance your character’s stats that were created in the game. Regardless, it’s still a fun game to test out all the new Olympic events that will be shown in 2021.
In general, the events represented in each of the three games are not the same as those that happened that year, yet Sega still makes sure that there is a variety of events that people can choose from and play from. With swimming and diving in all three games, the sports are represented, I think, in a fairly good way. When it comes to different strokes like freestyle and butterfly swimming, it takes a lot of pushing buttons and using triggers to get the Olympic swim.
As for diving, it was interesting to see how Sega has approached the way the sport can be represented and people still practice it. For this event, it follows as in the Olympic Games or in a normal encounter. On each round, you’ll have the opportunity to choose which dive you want, all of which vary in difficulty. In order to get a good result, you have to press the buttons on the screen as well as the important part, and install the landing using one of the sticks on the controller. However, if you try to straighten your diver too early or too late, or can’t get the timing right, it can cause painful abdominal fluctuations.
Maybe while we’re still in this epidemic, it might be a fun idea to get some of your friends to play with you because it’s a multiplayer game. So that you and your friends can see who is the best swimmer and diver at the moment while you are in quarantine.
One thing I hoped for in Olympic video games is that Sega can be like Entertainment Arts (EA). EA uses scans of real-life athletes to implement in their games to create a more realistic game.
It would be really cool to play any of the Olympic video games and watch athletes like Usain Bolt, Michael Phelps, and Katie Ledecky. If the creators took things a step further and added distinct celebrations or behaviors prior to the races, this would bring more realism to the game and provide a better experience for players.
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