The actor has reportedly said that he does not want to perpetuate those stereotypes.
Days after the world received news of Chadwick Bosman’s death, his longtime agent, Michael Greene, sat down to share memories of the late actor. Over the past four years, Bosman has privately battled stage 4 colon cancer while accepting roles in more than half a dozen highly-acclaimed films. Reports indicate that he would have continued to finish a sequel for Black Panther But his illness became very great.
Green said The Hollywood Reporter That Chadwick Bosman was particular about the roles he wanted to play, often turning down opportunities for parts that did not meet the actor’s standards. “We never made really dark films or movies that were just people shooting everyone and perpetuating the dark,” Green said. He gave the example of a movie role presented by Boseman and Dogma Actress Tessa Thompson.
“Oh, this is your next scenario. Your mom is vulgar and your father left.” Then he said, “I’m not running those pictures,” and he got into the writer’s room, and they fired him. I remember him and Tessa was shown a movie, it was about Abdin, and it was like, “I don’t want to perpetuate slavery. It was like, ‘We’re not going to perpetuate stereotypes.’” Even as parts of it went by, Bosman was able to influence culture throughout his short career. He is really missing.
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