It is noted that many people do not have checked baggage with them. At check-in for everyone who only has a handbag, work is busier than at the counter where big bags have to be handed over. An employee notes that crowds are still “under control,” but the airport expects the busiest time of the day.
To prevent crowds from getting out of hand, from Friday onwards, passengers will not be allowed into departure lounges unless their flight departs within four hours. Therefore, if you wish to enter the departure lounge, you will be asked when your flight will depart. Most people can only pass, but not everyone. Dozens of people have to wait because they are not yet allowed in.
One inspector says that people generally understand that they are not allowed in early. “We have to send about 2 per cent. We send them to Schiphol Plaza and then they can go back inside to the departure hall when it is their turn.”
The travelers’ understanding of the situation is also evident from some of the reactions from the people who were standing in line. For example, the next group was just about to say the waiting time wasn’t too bad. It was shorter than expected, about 40 minutes. But for some people the lines were longer than expected. Some of the people who just found out that the line started outside shouted, “No, does it start from there?!”
Schiphol has struggled for weeks with a lack of organizational structure for staff, among other things, for security and handlers. Passengers often had to queue for hours. Flights were sometimes missed and there were clashes between frustrated travelers and security. The airport is working on solving problems. On Wednesday, Schiphol, along with labor unions, introduced a package of measures to combat the staff shortage.
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