Kate kisses me
BBC 2, 3:45 pm
(Musician, George Sidney, 1953) Color film adapted from the 1948 musical of the same name, which can be seen: Kate kisses me It is a long poem about the art of singing and dancing. The story of two former lovers, played by Catherine Grayson and Howard Keel, who appear on stage during a performance of Shakespeare. Taming the Shrew You are allowed to immerse yourself in the true feelings, which is subject to the flowing ballroom dancing and the wonderful songs of Cole Porter. Filmed in 3D, so that everything is constantly thrown at the camera, as it was at that time.

family dinner
NPO 1, 9.27 p.m.
In a promotional video for the new season of family dinner The Ethics Office suggested a new presenter: Tijs van den Brink, who let the family feud spiral out of control. Joke, fortunately, because tonight Bert van Leeuwen returns as a familiar face in season 27. In the coming weeks, 14-year-old twins Sylvian and Sylvan will try to resolve the feud between their grandfather and their father and Joss hopes to reconcile his siblings. In the end, always with the question: Does someone get out of the limousine?
It’s Her: The Transgender Hotel
NPO 3, 9.55 p.m.
One of the transgender people portrayed in the reality series He. She Hey Ann. Anne’s transformation is more widely followed in the special broadcast transgender hotel. Jan Kooijman goes with Anne to a Belgian clinic, where she undergoes major facial surgery to give her more feminine features. In the clinic’s rehab hotel, Ann meets several trans women who talk about the how and why of their own operations. A few months later, Koijman was a guest at Anne’s wedding.
The Godfather
Canvas, 10.05 p.m.
(Crime, Francis Ford Coppola, 1972) Francis Ford Coppola was in his early thirties when he first started Spiritual fatherThe movie started. Given that Studio Paramount tried to hold it back and the production process was chaotic, the appreciation for Coppola’s big mafia project could only grow. In long and fun scenes it sucks The Godfather The viewer enters the unforgettable world of the Don Corleone mafia family led by Marlon Brando – after three hours she hates them. And maybe your own, too, because you’ve drifted away.

above water
NPO 2, 09.22.2018
In the last episode of above water It will show whether the family businesses of the series have survived this turbulent time. The Zeyrek family received a €92,000 energy bill for the dry cleaning. If the power company asks for that amount in one go, the curtain falls on the company. This is followed by an interesting conversation. As jars of pickles roll off the production line in Kesbeke, the power of supermarkets remains a concern. The fishing family Tanis can sail again, but she is not optimistic about the future.
5 only, 10.45 pm
(Fantasy, Russell Mulcahy, 1986) A fantasy and lively cult film that bounces back and forth between 16th century Scotland and the present-day United States, with a cute, no-nonsense story in the wall about men who think they are immortal. As Spanish metallurgist (!) Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez, Sean Connery offers lessons in the almost immortal Scottish swordsmith (Christopher Lambert) and spiritual advice. But what attracts the imagination the most is Quinn’s music composed specifically for the film. The best example of this is the truly touching scene in which MacLeod says goodbye to his beloved lover who is dying of old age and singer Freddie Mercury wonders aloud, “Who wants to live forever?”
Heaven, Hell and Rainbow
NPO 2, at 23.33
Through a documentary, the Ethics Organization reflects the intolerant stance of some orthodox Protestant churches when it comes to homosexuality. in Heaven, Hell and Rainbow Nod Holtman follows gay lawyer and Navy Officer John LaBrie, who works to make Reformed and evangelical religious communities more inclusive for those who don’t meet explicit standards. Labrie will discuss transformational therapy with CU captain Gert Jan Segers and share his insights during a visit to his reformed high school in Kampen.

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