1. What exactly are the fees?
House Democrats submitted a resolution on Monday to start impeachment proceedings. They accuse Trump of instigating an uprising.
Frequent allegations that he would have won the election and the phone conversation with Georgia election chief Brad Ravensberger are also cited. Trump urged him to “find” additional votes and threatened him if he did not.
2. How does the dismissal procedure work?
The House of Representatives will vote today on the so-called “removal article”. The majority is expected to agree. Then Donald Trump is back again accuseSays American reporter Eric Mutan. However, this does not mean that he will be judged. Therefore, a lawsuit must be filed first. This happens in the Senate and takes much longer. “
That will not be taken up until after the inauguration of future President Joe Biden. Exactly how and when the Senate will consider the matter is not entirely clear yet. When Biden is president, he needs the Senate to implement his plans. He does not want him to constantly judge Trump. So he suggested they work on it in half a day. It looks like they will. ”
It has also been proposed that the case start within a hundred days, so that Biden would have room for his policy plans. “But a lot of people found it strange: why have they been waiting so long when there is now a massive rush,” says Matthan. So they will likely start soon.
3. What is the chance of success?
In the House of Representatives, the Democrats are the majority. So the chance of Trump being found guilty is high. The chance that the Senate will indict him is much less. That would require a two-thirds majority. This means that seventeen Republicans, along with the Democrats, should vote for it. “Maybe that won’t happen.” The same thing happened a year ago when Trump was accused of abusing power.
4. Why is it so important for a Democrat to be impeached?
Trump’s term is only eight days. However, the urgency to remove it is quite great, according to Mutthan. Democrats are really angry about the attack on Congress. Majority says Trump has incited and challenged rioters. They think he should be punished. They don’t want to let that go. Even if he is no longer president next week, they say they should still be punished for that. ”
5. How will Trump supporters react to this?
To say the least, the mood in America is tense. US security forces warn against planning armed protests across the country in the run-up to Biden’s inauguration. Wouldn’t the dismissal measures add more fuel to the fire?
“The support for Trump is less than at the moment,” says Matthan. Lots of people blame him for what happened on the Capitol. Republicans too. But the question, of course, is what hard core will do. He would get angry if Trump was found guilty. But this is a minority. Most people want to get rid of it. ”

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