Two of the escaped prisoners were 19 years old. The others were 20 and 21 years old. They were being held in a Louisiana prison.
Police told the New York Times that the prisoners managed to escape last weekend. On Saturday, two of them crawled under the wall during their recreation hour. There was a hole “about 20 cm”. The pair waited outside the wall until nightfall, then climbed two fences on their way to freedom.
The next day, two other prisoners did the same. No alarm has been raised in the prison yet. This only happened when a relative of the prisoners called the police. One of the escaped men is said to have tried to return “home.”
Staff shortage
The fact that it took so long for the escape order to come to light was due, according to the prison director, to a “lack of supervision.” According to him, this is due to a lack of staff. “If the statistics were correct, we would have noticed this immediately,” he said.
Two of the escaped men were found yesterday. They tried to hide in a warehouse behind a store. Two others are still missing.
Small hole
The police spokesman said it was no miracle that the men were able to escape through a hole only 20 cm deep. “It may seem impossible, but for someone weighing less than 70 kilograms, it is completely possible,” he told the New York Times.
Police shared a search message on Facebook in hopes of finding the two escaped inmates:

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