As part of Google I / O, the company has also introduced new features for its mapping service. Google Maps gets a new route option. Users have the option to show a safe route. This feature should be of particular interest to drivers.
Because based on the existing map data, Google Maps calculates the path in which the risk of accidents is reduced. For example, the number of street lanes, reported accidents, or construction sites that burden traffic are additionally included. Of course, the safest route isn’t always the shortest. However, families wishing to reach their destination can be addressed slowly but surely here.
Positive side effect: Because drivers have to brake and drive less often, the new feature can also save a significant amount of fuel.
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In addition, Google Maps should improve the live view feature with overlays on the smartphone screen. So you can log the surroundings and get important information about the shops or attractions on offer directly.
The ‘busy zone’ feature can be equally practical. This shows directly on the Google Maps map if there is more activity taking place than usual in an area of the city. Then you can either avoid it or throw yourself into the fight, if allowed again.
Last but not least, Google Maps should also get a lot more private. Based on the time of day and your location, maps identify places that appear in the vicinity. For example, at 8 am, bakeries and cafes will most likely appear. In the evening, the show changes to restaurants.
On the other hand, if you enter a road, the maps show you places of interest along the way. All features and innovations will be added to Google Maps during the year.
The hidden location functionality tops it all: Almost nobody knows the innovative Google Maps feature