Pokemon Go Players can now transfer Pokemon to Pokemon Home, But it takes a few steps to complete the process. As of this writing, only level 40 players can make transfers, and they must have the mobile version of Pokemon Home Linked to their Nintendo account. Players can perform the transfer on either the mobile version or the Switch version of Homepage, But both versions must be linked to the same Nintendo account. Players don’t need a Nintendo Switch Online or a paid subscription to the Pokemon Home To make transfers from Pokemon Go, But players should know that this is a one-way trip; Pokemon cannot be returned to the mobile game.
Once players have synced everything at this end the next step is to make sure of it Pokemon Go Linked to the same Nintendo account. Clicking the Poke Ball icon in the center of the screen brings up the menu. There, players will find the “Settings” tab in the upper-right corner of the screen. After scrolling all the way down, players will have a number of options to sync their game with. Between “Nintendo Switch” and “Pokemon GO Plus” players will find a Pokemon Home Selection. Upon clicking on the option, players will be prompted to log into their Nintendo account. After making sure the name and support ID match Pokemon Home, Players will be ready to start the process!
To perform a conversion, tap Pokemon Home From the settings, select “Submit Pokemon”. To transport Pokemon, players will have to use GO Transporter. To do this requires energy. The carrier starts fully charged, and each Pokemon requires a different amount of energy to send it. Players can send multiple Pokemon at once, provided they have enough energy to do so. Once the carrier has drained, players can wait for it or pay to recharge it with PokeCoins. It costs 1,000 PokeCoins to ship, which translates to around $ 10. Players can also choose to wait a week for it to recharge on its own.
To transfer these Pokemon to chests, players must then access them Pokemon Home. When opening Homepage, Players will be required to receive the Pokemon they have transported. Players can then move them to the chests of their choice. If a player accidentally chooses “no”, he will be prompted again the next time he unlocks Pokemon Home.
It’s worth noting that players can save some time and money by carefully selecting which Pokemon they choose to move. While players must use GO Transporter to transfer Pokemon directly to HomepagePlayers can still transfer any of the 150 original Pokemon and their Alolan forms from Go to me Pokemon: Let’s go, Pikachu! or Let’s go, Evie! On the Nintendo Switch. For everything else, players will have to use a carrier.
Are you planning to transfer any Pokemon to Pokemon Home? What do you think of the service? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at Embed a Tweet To talk about everything related to games!

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