In various locations in Russia, supporters of Alexei Navalny took to the streets on Saturday to protest the arrest of the Russian opposition leader. The country’s security forces have now arrested hundreds of protesters.
At least a hundred people were arrested in Moscow before the demonstration actually began at 12:00 (NST). News agency correspondents estimate that at least 10,000 protesters were on their way by 1.30pm Reuters. The Russian Ministry talks about four thousand protesters.
Elsewhere in the country, more than 200 protesters have already been arrested. In the city of Khabarovsk, where it was seven hours late than the capital, Moscow, due to the time difference, activists released videos on Saturday of police beating protesters and putting them in prison trucks.
Navalny called on his supporters to take to the streets on Saturday this week to protest the rule of President Vladimir Putin. A large demonstration is expected in Moscow later on Saturday. The opposition is expected to demonstrate in seventy places.
In our country, people also took to the streets to demonstrate against the Russian government, Putin, and the capture of Navalny. About 150 demonstrators gathered in front of the Russian embassy in Andres Beckerweg in The Hague on Saturday afternoon. Dozens of protesters also gathered in front of the Russian Trade Office at Museum Square in Amsterdam. Both protests are peaceful.
The opposition leader posted a video titled earlier this week Putin’s Palace, Where he claimed to have evidence that the president had a huge bribe-financed mansion built for himself on the Black Sea. The nearly two-hour movie already had over 65 million views on YouTube a few days later. The Kremlin describes the accusations as “nonsense” and “lies.”
Navalny was sentenced to 30 days in prison
Navalny was sentenced to 30 days in prison on Monday for violating provisions of a previous ruling. He had just returned from Germany, where he was recovering from a poisoning he had contracted in Russia. The FSB is accused of being behind the poisoning incident.
Kira Yarmisch, Navalny’s spokesman, and several members of the opposition were also arrested last week and will not be present at the protests on Saturday. You can also deal with the Russians who ignore the authorities’ warnings on Saturday and keep demonstrating anyway. Moscow police say they will intervene in illegal protests.
Protesters demand Navalny’s release at a protest outside the Russian embassy in The Hague.

Protesters demand Navalny’s release at a protest outside the Russian embassy in The Hague.
Photo: Reggio 15

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