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Things were looking bad for nearly 160 pilot whales that washed up on the coast of southwestern Australia this morning. Thirty animals died before local authorities could begin a rescue attempt. But at the same time, despite all the odds, one hundred dolphins were rescued and returned to the sea.
It was a large-scale rescue operation. Hundreds of people are committed to saving animals. “People tried to calm the animals and do their best to help them breathe,” researcher Ian Wise told ABC News. He also participated in the rescue operation.
He described it as an amazing story. Rescuers kept the animals alive “and then they suddenly returned to the water.” It is still not clear how this was possible. He adds that it is very likely that pilot whales will beach themselves again. This happens often. “But we hope they don't,” he says.
It ended well
It often happens that dolphins or whales wash up on the western shore of Australia. In July last year, nearly 100 pilot whales died after a two-day rescue attempt. In the same area, more than 300 pilot whales died or were euthanized after a mass stranding in 1996. Things usually do not end well for the animals and euthanasia is considered the only humane solution.
“It went very well today, because usually only five or six whales out of a hundred whales are saved,” Weese says. Local conservationist Bea Curtis said earlier that she had seen many animals die.
The 30 dead pilot whales were pulled from the water so that their carcasses would not attract sharks.
It is not clear what causes pilot whales to strand. According to scientists, this could be caused by a confusion in their sense of direction, as they follow a sick leader or try to avoid predators. Human-made noise can also confuse pilot whales, such as fishing noise.
Pilot whales are known for their close social bonds. So, when someone gets into trouble and gets stranded, others often follow, reports the University of Western Australia.
It was a strange sight on the beach in Australia:

Pilot whales washed up on the west coast of Australia

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