It will be Sunday 7 March Tell everyone Interview from Megan Markle at Prince Harry he met Oprah Winfrey in the program. We can assume that the former the Royal family Won’t be smeared with words, confirmed last weekend thanks to the intense humor of the interview.
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Megan and Harry in a conversation with Oprah Winfrey
As long as we can remember it Oprah Winfrey The woman whose celebs blow their hearts out to her after a convincing event. This has become evident recently Megan Markle at Prince Harry Do this with love. Last month, the former announced the Royal family That is, there is one Tell everyone-An interview was scheduled for the talk show host. Of course, that sparked a sensation all over the world, including the British royal family, and when we look at the humor in the interview, we understand why.
There is no address Out of bounds
In the 32nd video, we see Oprah, right as she is, posing some tough questions to Meghan Markle as she is pregnant dressed in Armani clothes. Questions and phrases such as “Did you keep silent or were you silenced?” And “I said some shocking things” were all covered in the interview where, according to Oprah, there isn’t a single topic Out of bounds I was.
Concerns about mental health
The teaser did not show or hear how Meghan Markle would answer Oprah’s questions. It also quickly becomes apparent that Prince Harry, and not just his wife, was very present during the interview. For example, he expresses concern about his wife’s mental health during her time the Royal family He says he feared “history would repeat itself.” With this comment, Prince Harry is of course referring to the tragic loss of his mother, Diana, who was killed in a paparazzi hunt in 1997.
Release day
He. She Tell everyoneAn interview with Oprah Winfrey will be broadcast on March 7 on a TV channel CBS It broadcasts in the United States. Unfortunately, it is not clear when the interview will be watched on Dutch television. Watch the teaser below.
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