Every Sunday you will find the most beautiful and interesting satellite images of the Earth on our website. This week: a gold mine in Australia.
In January 1893 the prospector withdrew. Badi Hanan With two companions across south-western Australia. One of their horses lost a horseshoe. They dismounted to fix the problem – and suddenly they found a solid lump of gold.
It was the beginning of a gold rush that continues to this day. The soil where Hannan found the nugget turned out to contain one of the largest reserves of gold in the world, and is thus known as the Golden Mile.
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Still lucky?
The extraction rights are now in the hands of major companies and huge quantities are still being extracted around Kalgoorlie (formerly Hannan), as here at the St Ives open pit gold mine on the salt lake Lefroy.
There are open pit mines on the two “islands” in the salt flat, Gamma Island and Delta Island, but there are also deep mine tunnels under the salt lake from here.
All thanks to a missing horseshoe. Does such a thing bring luck after all?
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image: Google Earth

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