It was already decided in the summer of 2021 to start such an investigation. The National Investigation Service has now launched an investigation.
Several people involved in the case have been heard in recent months. The Public Prosecution also informed the Public Prosecution Council and the Ministry of Justice and Security.
according to news hour It concerns the investigation of the former Director General of the Tax and Customs Administration, Jaap Oglenbrock, and Manon Lijten, a former civil servant in the Ministry of Finance. The Public Prosecution does not make any statement about the identity of those involved.
The two former senior officials had denied before the parliamentary inquiry committee that they knew of a memo from March 2017. In that memo, Sandra Balmain-Schlangen, then the tax and customs administration’s top lawyer, concluded that the service had acted “reprehensible.” I advised to compensate the parents.
The memo was then hidden and only made public in the fall of 2020 after questions from Member of Parliament Peter Umtzigt. This happened before the interrogations of the investigative committee began.
During cross-examination, Uhlenbrock and Litten said they were unaware of the note’s existence before it was made public by the Minister of Finance. But it is rebuild devotion And the RTL News It turned out that the note had already appeared in the ministry in 2019. Parts of it were approved in the official documents, but the note had again disappeared into the drawer.
In October 2021, Uijlenbroek denied in a conversation with that he had known about the memorandum before the parliamentary interrogations. He was then charged with perjury by the opposition parties in the House of Representatives.
The investigation is underway. Uijlenbroek and Leijten leave a comment news hour They are not aware of the investigation conducted by the National Investigation Service.

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