the color green be with WhatsApp Just as they are closely related Blue with Facebook, yellow With snapchat or red With YouTube. One Change the design In the widely used messaging app from the Facebook group, the striking green color has now been pushed to the background.
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WhatsApp becomes colorless
While that Application icon The light green color remains, and the Chat Overview page appears Almost colorless more. Only the one now seems smaller letters Top left and button The new chat is still in the green WhatsApp.
The look debuted last year. Now it's clear More and more WhatsApp users distributed. By the way, the new design applies to them only Android version to. The iOS version has been largely devoid of green WhatsApp for a long time.
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Much less colour
With this design update, the design of the messaging app is now more reminiscent of Facebook application. There also the blue color is reduced to the test logo in the upper left area of the screen.
If you open a conversation, you will immediately notice that this is the case here as well There is hardly any green left he. The upper area is now white, but it doesn't blend in well with it Virtual background.
In the Dark mode By the way, WhatsApp now dispenses with light shading. As a result, individual elements barely stand out from each other and are completely and consistently displayed in black.
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External conversations on WhatsApp
Regardless of the design changes, WhatsApp has one Major update in. The European Union has given the messenger a new job. This should be possible in the future, also via WhatsApp Messages from other messaging services To receive and send.
from External chats If you want to make transactions via WhatsApp in the future, you must actively activate this function, as can be seen from several screenshots. However, it is still unclear when this feature will be activated.
➤ Read more: This is what external chats look like in WhatsApp
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