An Innovation helicopter, which took off on April 19 from Jeyero on the surface of Mars, did not have a “terrible” target. The only question that creativity had to ask was whether it was possible to get a controlled flight to Mars. NASA has a successful answer to that – flying is possible. This is a great revolution. A revolution that brought great changes to the field of international space and more exploration. There has always been concern that this revolution is possible. Elsewhere, not all earth conditions are favorable. The atmosphere can be thinner or thicker than the ground. But ingenuity has shown that this great hurdle can be overcome with technological excellence. The flight occurred on the surface of Mars, which is extremely thin and at a density of only 1% of the Earth’s atmosphere. Why is it so important to know if flying is possible? Why is it celebrated?
We’ve seen humans fly planes and other spacecraft to aliens in science fiction movies and elsewhere. But this is not just a story. Humans want to use such systems in exploration in the future. NASA, the last word on international spaceflight, has covert and overt plans in this regard. Astronomers are well aware that this is the only way to complete the exploration. Current exploration systems generally rely on orbiting satellites, landing pads, and robotic vehicles orbiting the surface.
But with these alone, it is impossible to obtain complete information about another planet or space area. Many planets contain high mountains, vast lakes, oceans, and craters. These are areas where invaluable secrets and knowledge are hidden. Controlled aerial systems will help to successfully explore here. Humans also have plans to use space after studies. In the future, mining could occur in mineral-rich regions of the solar system. Colonies can be established in exotic territories if life-sustaining conditions can be created … the opportunities are endless. In all of this, controlled air systems will be crucial.
Man has already flown over non-terrestrial areas. The lunar units of the Apollo missions landed humans on the moon in the air and brought back the passengers. The Soviet Union flew balloons in 1985 as part of the Vega 1 and Vega 2 missions on the neighboring planet Venus. But none of these were controlled flights. Mimi Ong, Project Leader Ingenuity, says the future is defining for future space exploration, including drones and robotic aircraft. With this, another future project for NASA appeared. The project is the dragonfly that the astronauts call a giant of ingenuity. Launched in 2026, this unmanned mission will take off from Earth in 2026 and reach its destination in 2034.
Titan drone
Dragonfly’s journey to Titan, the satellite of Saturn and the most concentrated region of space. Saturn is gaseous and has no chance of life. But Titan is not. This satellite is a place where many mysteries and secrets hide. As the name suggests, the eight-rotating dragonfly is a drone that flies from one place to another and explores again. NASA calls the dragonfly’s flight a frog jump.
The main task of Dragonfly’s mission is to check if Titan is alive, or if it contains life-related chemicals. The Dragonfly was designed by NASA based on information provided by Cassini, the legendary mission that long-watched Saturn and the planet’s satellite systems, and Higgins, the rover that landed on Titan. On Titan, the atmosphere is four times denser than Earth’s, and the force of gravity is less. The atmosphere is mainly filled with nitrogen. Methane-filled clouds will occasionally rain.
Titan is 140 million kilometers from the sun. 10 times the distance between the sun and the earth. So the temperature in the area is -179 degrees. There are pros and cons to flying here. Scientists say that Titan’s conditions are similar to Earth’s conditions. Therefore, the study of Titan may provide insight into some of the most important issues, including the origin of life on Earth. The first dragonfly that landed on Titan is called Shangri-La. The information will then be airlifted to various locations for sample collection and evaluation.
Each journey takes approximately eight meters. The drone has a weight of 459 kg, has a top speed of 36 kilometers per hour and can reach altitudes of up to 4 kilometers per hour. All four instruments are charged with sampling and evaluation. The job is powered by a lithium-ion battery. There is also a thermoelectric generator to charge the battery. After flying through different areas, the expedition will sample to the famous Silk Crater on Titan. The Silk Crater is thought to be the site of early water and other organic compounds. This will give you invaluable information from here.
It is estimated that dragonflies will travel 175 km on Titan. The distance covered by dragonflies is twice that of all the rovers that have explored Mars. This number is a direct testament to what flying can do after constant travel.
Dragonfly is part of NASA’s “New Frontier” project to explore beyond traditional regions. Other projects include New Horizons to Pluto, Juno to Jupiter, and Osiris Rex to the asteroid Bennu. This is the responsibility of NASA’s Planetary Missions Program.
English Summary: How does the historic flight of NASA’s innovative helicopter help Mars in the future?

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