The arrival of Lelylijn wonderful news. This is said Wim van Wijen, leader of the D66 party in Nordostpolder municipality. Van Wegen is a board member of the “Lelylijn Initiative Group”. He has been advocating the construction of the train line for some time now. “I wasn’t dancing on the table yet, but I jumped for joy.”
The new government wants to build Lelylijn. This can be read in the coalition agreement provided by VVD, D66, CDA and ChristenUnie on Wednesday afternoon. Lelylijn is a railway that must pass through Lelystad to Emmeloord and terminate at Groningen.
The future government will allocate 3 billion to build a long-term night line. They want to do this with co-financing from the region and money from Brussels. Exact plans have not yet been made. The construction of the railway should boost the economy of North Holland. The North also needs to be more accessible.
Initiative group want to compete for station
Van Wegen warns of his happiness, but the profit is still far from being achieved. Because there are still many concerns. “It is not yet certain that with the construction of Lelylijn, a terminal will also be built in Emmeloord,” Van Wegen says. “It is very likely that Lelylijn will become a real high-speed line and the train will pass through the pole only with us. Then it will not help us much.”
But Van Wegen wants to work hard for it. Van Wegen says the station benefits are great for Emmeloord and Noordoostpolder. “Noordoostpolder will be much closer to Randstad in terms of travel distance. This also applies to the north of the Netherlands. This means a completely different situation for passenger traffic. This also applies to the business climate, both for residents and for companies.” Van Wegen believes that the arrival of a station will increase The attraction of Noordoostpolder. He does not want to miss these opportunities. “We have to get over it now so we can turn the knobs.”
Van Wijen: “Lilign should be ready in 2030”
According to the Alliance Agreement Financial Annex, Lelylijn could be around in 2038. As far as Van Weijn is concerned, it’s too late. The Lelylijn Initiative group wants the connection to be made by 2030. “Hanselgen also wasn’t built after 15 years, it was completed faster.” According to Van Wegen, the fact that the Lelylijn route is longer is not an argument. “The plans aren’t new, so if everyone puts their weight behind them, it should be possible here as well.”
Van Wegen had not yet had a location in mind for the arrival of a potential train station in Emmeloord. This may be near the De Munt industrial area. But for Van Vejen, this train station doesn’t necessarily have to be right next to the city centre. “We also want Urk to be able to use this station fanatically. So maybe we can find a strategic place to set up the Emmeloord-Urk station.”
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