According to a recently published O&S poll for the European elections on June 6, GroenLinks-PvdA lost a significant number of votes in Amsterdam compared to five years ago. The PVV and Volt parties appear to be making significant progress in the city.
Despite the loss, O&S expects GroenLinks-PvdA to remain the largest in Amsterdam with 32.1 per cent, but this share is well below the 44 per cent of votes it received together in 2019. At the time, this represented a significant increase This compares to the elections two years ago, when the parties combined received 29.8 of the Amsterdam votes.
Compared to the last elections, the number of voters in Amsterdam remains stable for GroenLinks-PvdA. In November, the party became the largest in the city with 33.8% of the vote.
During the last elections, the parties still had their own list. Then the GroenLinks party got 23% of the votes in Amsterdam, and the PvdA party got 21%. The two parties have been working together since October last year.
Volt and PV
According to the poll, GroenLinks-PvdA is followed by Volt, which now has to make do with 12.8% of the votes. This result will mean doubling the party's fortunes, because five years ago Volt obtained 5% of the votes in Amsterdam.
The Freedom Party appears to be on track to become the third party in the city during the elections: according to the poll, with 11.8 percent of the vote. Thus Geert Wilders' party, which became the largest in the House of Representatives in November, will be the biggest winner. Five years ago, 2% of Amsterdam's population still voted for the Freedom Party.
last months
Volt (from 3.8 percent to 12.8 percent) and the “Animals for Animals” party (4.8 percent to 8.1 percent) also achieved significant progress compared to the recent House of Representatives elections.
According to O&S, these rapid developments in Dutch politics make it difficult to predict the election results. Turnout in European elections is also typically lower, making it uncertain how well the polls can be a good predictor of the final result in Amsterdam.

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