The Phoenix Suns is seriously considering hiring Chris Paul, a ten-time potential All-Star and Hall of Fame goalkeeper, to play alongside Devin Booker, Deandre Ayton and Mikal Bridges.
Several outlets are reporting common interest, not only between Suns and Thunder but also between Devin Booker and Chris Paul themselves. Paul, in particular, sees Booker as a superstar and has been influenced by the band Suns in the Bubble behind his beloved former coach, Monty Williams. Devin Booker, for his part, is interested in any trade or free agent who puts him in the predictions of the permanent qualifiers.
Rumors turned into a small stream over the weekend …
I can confirm from multiple close sources that Chris Paul the Sun is gaining momentum! Stay tuned for my Twitter account and Embed a Tweet To obtain accurate information regarding this potential bomb. It’s a better situation than most of you might think.
– Flex From Jersey (@ cruzfe13) November 7, 2020
And tonight, I went to the main broadcast via ESPN. Have to be delivered to Flex to hear that much earlier than some patriotic players!
Yes, Chris Ball is aging – 35 now, to be exact – and NBA players rarely remain effective in their late 30s.
Yes, Chris Paul is pretty expensive – $ 41 million this year, $ 45 million next year all guaranteed – and the Suns will cost most of every big salary on their list to get it.
Yes, Chris Paul has nagging injuries, but the truth is that he played 70 out of 72 possible matches this past season (he tied more than others on Thunder and would have finished second in The Sun behind Bridges). This was the most matches he played in four seasons.
But also yeah, Chris Paul is a winner and knows how to lead a team to the playoffs (10 years in a row!). No single observer will give anyone else the primary credit for leading Thunder to the number four spot in the West in the past year.
He led Thunder in the matches he played (70), assists in every match (6.7), robberies in every match (1.6), finishing second in the minute in every match (31.5) and fourth in points per match (17.5) and fourth in effective FG . % (55.5%) are behind only older men.
What is the cost?
Here’s the Suns cover sheet again, this time with Chris Ball added in red.

Option 1: Ricky, Kelly, Frank is out … while still spending $ 18 million in FIFA and picking No.10
Unfortunately, the $ 41.36 million price tag severely limits Suns’ options to trade. You can get whatever you want with chunks off the Suns list, but Suns will have to include both Ricky Rubio ($ 17M, $ 17.81M) and Kelly Uber Jr. ($ 14.38M, UFA) in the deal until close.
By permitting the CBA’s “125%” salary matching requirement, Suns would still have to come up with an additional $ 4.4 million salary to get the trade to operate legally. The part is easy … it could be Frank Kaminski, or a combination of Tay Jerome and Chic Diallo.
Carrying out this deal (Ricky, Kelly, and Frank for CP3) allows the Suns to spend most or all of that $ 19 million in cover space on another piece to strengthen the spin … like Danilo Gallinari. Imagine a bunch of CP3, Book, Mikal, Gallo, and DA. This is a deciding lineup for sure! Or have it Christian Wood or Jeremy Grant in the PF spot. Whatever floats your boat.
PG: Chris Paul, Ty Jerome
General Secretary: Devin Booker
SF: Michael Bridges, Cameron Johnson
PF: Gallo /Grant/Wood
A: Dinder Eighton
Suns gives a lot of options in the free agency, in addition to the # 10 draft pick. Really good assortment! And they can easily bring Cameron Payne and / or Jovon Carter back up guard time on minimum salaries if you still want them.
Option # 2: Ricky, # 10 outside … keep Kelly, free agency
It is envisioned to trade Ricky ($ 17), the Tenth All-Inclusive ($ 4.47) and All Suns Cover Area ($ 18.7) by Chris Ball. In that case, you can get one player exchange and hope Paul can convince a bunch of vets to come in for the bare minimum deals. And that Chris Paul is better than Ricky Rubio in 2020-21.
PG: Chris Paul, Ty Jerome
General Secretary: Devin Booker
SF: Michael Bridges, Cameron Johnson
PF: Kelly Ober Jr.
A: Dinder Eton
After that, the Suns will have an exception ceiling room of $ 4 million on another good player, plus all the minimum salary deals they can handle.
NB: This copy of the deal should happen after the draft, when Suns can pick a player that Oklahoma City likes in 10th place, then turn down all options, offer Sariq the qualification and turn down Baynes’ contract for the construction of a roof space. To absorb urine.
** Updated ***
Option # 3: Ricky, Kelly, $ 10 million outdoor space … Spend $ 9 million in the FA, keep picking draft
The other option is to wait until the agency is free and use some of the maximum space to offset the difference in salaries outside of Kelly / Ricky, then spend the rest. It is correct about the mid-level exception figure of 9-10 million.
PG: Chris Paul, Ty Jerome
General Secretary: Devin Booker
SF: Michael Bridges, Cameron Johnson
PF: Cameron Johnson, average footballer
A: Dinder Eton
Suns reserves its choice, which can be in any position. The Suns would be competing with all the other teams of mid-level players, but they had Chris Paul and Devin Booker and a breakout place on the sales pitch. And then in the end they can return one or more of the men who were released from the minimum salary deals (Pine, Carter, Diallo).
Well that’s tough isn’t it?
The good and healthy Chris Paul has a better chance of carrying the Suns to the playoffs than Ricky Rubio.
But Chris Paul’s wound could kill Suns’ chances at anything except for another sweepstakes round and Booker trade order.
What do you say, suns lovers?
Will you get Chris Paul for The Suns?
Yes! Option 1
(176 votes)
Yes! Option 2
(86 votes)
Yes! Option 3
(30 votes)
No! Not for any of those deals
(218 votes)
510 votes total
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