With the celebrations of the 35th anniversary of the asset Super Mario Bros. Under implementation and the next release of Super Mario 3D All-Star Next week, we thought it would be the perfect time to scan for Nintendo Life readers to find out the final ranking of 3D Mario games. Similar to our recent reader-rated survey of the best Final Fantasy games (on Nintendo systems), we frequently ask you to rate the 3D Mario games you’ve played from the shortlist below.
We have included all the major 3D Marios software, including the DS edition of Super Mario 64– The first way to officially play Mario 64 on a handheld device with new playable characters and minigames – plus 3D Land And Three-dimensional world (Which comes to Switch next February in expanded form Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury). These last entries may not offer the same open exploration style as the others, but their respective titles leave no doubt that they belong on this shortlist.
Registered Nintendo Life users can click on the stars below and rate the games out of 10. Like a lot of the polls we did on the top 50 platforms, the resulting ranking (which we will publish soon) is generated from liquid NL user reviews and is therefore subject to the Change, Even after publishing. If you previously evaluated these games in our database, thank you! If you are in the middle of a Mario adventure and don’t want to rate it yet, no problem – you can add your score to the game at any time in the future and it will still count and possibly affect the ranking.
If you’re interested in our opinion, feel free to check out our ranked list of Mario’s main series (2D included). Other than that, it’s time to get over the 3D input classification. Everyone is ready? here we are!
Rate each Super Mario 3D game:
Click the stars below to rate out of 10 every Super Mario game you’ve played:
Thanks for the evaluation! We’ll discover the results next week, but remember: like our platform for the Top 50s, the list here is fickle, so even if you miss the vote before the results are revealed, you can still influence the ranking after posting.

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