Britain’s Crown Prince Charles attended the mason’s inauguration in Bridgetown, which took place at midnight on Barbados Independence Day. As a republic, the island remains part of the British Commonwealth.
“I’m Sandra Brunella Mason, I swear I will be loyal and loyal to Barbados according to the law, so God help me,” said the new president, who was sworn in at her inauguration. A long-running curfew has been suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic to allow Barbadians to join the festivities. It is the beginning of a new era for the island’s 285,000 inhabitants, which have been under British rule for nearly 400 years.
drop the flag
Charles saw the Royal Standard, Elizabeth II’s personal flag, being brought down and the new Republic of Barbados proclaimed. It is a move Republicans hope will serve as a model for other former British colonies in which Elizabeth remains head of state.
In his speech, the Crown Prince stressed the continuing friendship between the two countries, despite Britain’s pivotal role in the transatlantic slave trade. Queen Elizabeth herself conveyed her congratulations to Mason and to all the people of Barbados, who wished them success, peace and prosperity.
Charles saw the Royal Standard, Elizabeth II’s personal flag, dropped.
Ⓒ Reuters
Elizabeth has always taken the position that different countries themselves determine what form of government they want. In addition to the United Kingdom, Elizabeth is also the Queen of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and a whole group of former British colonies in the Caribbean.
National Rihanna held
The New Republic also immediately declared Rihanna a national hero. Prime Minister Mia Motley announced this decision, and the singer who attended the ceremony received the honorable award.

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