December 7, 2021
Question time on Tuesday 7 December addresses the following topics: the government’s role in connecting Facebook to Zeewolde’s power grid, the question of whether the Netherlands – after the US – also wants to cede a government delegation to the Winter Games in China and the message “Relax job: not three” And two more this year.” As of today, Question Time can also be followed through a live broadcast with a sign language interpreter.
These are the questions at question time

- Farid Azrakan (Think) to the Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy on the message “Under pressure from Facebook, the government has prioritized the power grid” (, December 3, 2021)
- Tom van der Lee (GroenLinks) to the Foreign Minister on the question of whether the Netherlands, after the United States, also wants to refrain from sending a government delegation to the Winter Games in China (, December 6, 2021)
- Paul van Menen (D66) to the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education and Information on the message ‘Examinations relax from the job: not three, but two stay this year’ (, December 6, 2021)
Follow the live broadcast
Question time is every Tuesday at 2 pm. View the question time using the Debate Direct app. Or watch via this site by video or audio. Question time will be broadcast live on Nederland 1 and NPO Politics with live subtitles. Question time can also be followed through a live broadcast with a sign language interpreter.
Each question is summarized in a short web report. These will appear shortly after the question.
a report
A verbatim report is prepared from the time of the questions. This came up on this site within four hours of answering questions.
looking back
You can also look back. After a few hours of question time, you can review all questions via Debat Missed.
Selection of questions for question time
A maximum of six questions will be discussed during the question time. Read how the chair determines the choice of questions for question time.

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