Soon Alexa’s voice will sound like from the afterlife…
At Amazon’s so-called re:Mars event, a conference on artificial intelligence and machine learning, the online giant has introduced a scary Alexa language assistant function: in the future it will be possible for Alexa to speak with the voice of the dead!
The essence of the job is to imitate sounds using artificial intelligence (AI): At this event, Amazon presented how Alexa reads a bedtime story to a boy in the voice of a deceased grandmother.
Alexa needs a minute of voice recording
This audio was only created based on a one minute audio recording. “This requires inventions that require us to learn how to produce high-quality audio in less than a minute of recording time, rather than hours of recording in a studio,” Rohit Prasad, Amazon Vice President of Alexa, said of the technology.
“We are undoubtedly living in the golden age of artificial intelligence, where our dreams and science fiction have become a reality,” Prasad continued.
Voice imitation aims to make Alexa AI as personal as possible. “While AI cannot remove the pain of loss, it can certainly prolong memories,” Prasad said. Amazon has not revealed when the new functionality will reach users.

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