Children who are disruptive at school, who are bullying or aggressive, earn more money on average in middle age. This is evidenced by a British study that lasted nearly five decades.
And if you are still hoping that they will be less happy in their work or have more annoying jobs, that is not the case either. Past bullies are often more satisfied with their jobs and have more enjoyable work, according to researchers from the University of Essex.
They used data from about 7,000 people born in 1970 and followed until 2016. There was data from elementary school teachers who assessed the social and emotional skills of 10-year-olds and compared it to their lives at 46 years old.
“We found that children whose teachers felt they had trouble concentrating, had poor communication with classmates or were emotionally unstable earned less money in the future. We expected this too, but we were surprised that there was also a strong link between aggressive behavior and At school. “School and higher income later in life,” Professor Emilia del Bono said in The Guardian.
“It seems like our classrooms are competitive places and kids adapt to that by winning the competition with aggressive behavior. Then they take that into the workplace where they compete aggressively again for the highest paying jobs. Maybe we should actually think about this,” Del Bono says. : “At school and helping children use this characteristic in a more positive way.”

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