Space Week is the largest space event celebrated every 4-10 October. Space Week 2020, with the theme “Satellites Improving Life,” will be celebrated in various space-related activities organized by thousands of organizations including airlines, schools, grassroots organizations, and space agencies, including NASA.
As the world celebrates Space Week 2020, it is best to celebrate it by watching the International Space Station (ISS). Tuesday, October 6, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center Advertise On Twitter, the International Space Station will fly over “from the northwest at around 7:36 pm this evening.”

(Image: NASA / Bill Ingalls)
The International Space Station is shown at this 30-second exposure as it flies over Elkton, VA early Saturday morning, August 1, 2015.
The tweet included a link to view TableWhere users can change the location to have a more specific viewing time. The time the Marshall shares is based on seeing Huntsville, Alabama. The schedule includes daily appointments until Sunday 11 October.
Look @ Space Station tonight!
If you’re near Huntsville, you can #SpotTheStation It rises from the northwest around 7:36 PM this evening. Full details >>
– NASA Marshall (@ NASA_Marshall) October 6, 2020
On October 6, the International Space Station can be seen for three minutes, enough to watch the station moving at high speed. It will appear from the western and northwestern part of the sky and then move towards the southeast as it reaches its summit at about 68 degrees above the horizon.
To see the International Space Station, it would take a vision opportunity because it is moving very fast and cannot always be seen with the naked eye. Meanwhile, the clouds will not have much effect on viewing conditions as temperatures will drop to around 60 degrees.

(Image: Station Spot)
Find out the station’s watch schedule
The International Space Station becomes visible even without the need for a telescope because it reflects light from the sun just like the moon. However, she is in a different position every time she passes at different times. Also, it is possible for a station to appear incredibly visible and bright for a few minutes while there are also times when it appears too dull, so it just cannot be seen.
On Wednesday, October 7, the International Space Station can be monitored twice: 6:49 PM for 6 minutes and then 8:27 PM for only 1 minute.
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International Space Station Facts

(Photo: NASA Marshall / Twitter)
International Space Station
- Since November 2000, the International Space Station has been constantly busy with about 240 people from 19 countries who have visited.
- The International Space Station (ISS) makes 16 orbits around the Earth in about 24 hours or every 90 minutes as it travels at five miles per second.
- Six people live and work on the International Space Station. On September 2, 2017, Peggy Whitson set the record for most time living and working on the International Space Station with a total of 665 days.
- The living and working space on the International Space Station is larger than a six-bedroom house. It contains six sleeping places, two bathrooms, and a large window with a 360 degree view. It also houses a gym, so astronauts work to reduce the loss of bone and muscle mass
- Since December 1998, astronauts and astronauts have performed at least 230 spacewalks while they built, upgraded and maintained the station.
- After launch from Earth, the spacecraft can reach the space station within four hours.
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Written by CJ Robles
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