Regularly reckless, convinced of their own capabilities
On a European level, Dutch motorists score only six when it comes to how they behave in traffic. Many Dutch admit to the many regular violations, despite having a lot of confidence in their position at the same time.
A large research by Ipsos among 12,000 Europeans in 11 countries shows that the Dutch end up in the middle when it comes to how safe it is to drive. Researchers asked drivers to rate their driving behavior and the behavior of foreigners. The Dutch often drive at great speed, often drive through an orange traffic light, maintain a very short distance, and often do not illuminate their flashing light when turning. They see themselves as excellent drivers, while they believe road pirates roam neighboring countries. This is Ipsos’ conclusion in his research commissioned by the French Vinci Foundation, which is committed to safe traffic.
According to the poll, the British are the best drivers, and the Greeks are the worst. Of all the Europeans surveyed, the Dutch most often breach speed limits. As many as 91 percent say they speed up at times. The Dutch are among the top three nationalities (after the Belgians and Germans) who continue driving if there is a stop line on the road. The Dutch also excessively often do not give way to another car if it has the right of way. Is the road under construction? About 58 percent continue at the same speed. Is the right lane on the highway clear? About 56 percent continue to drive in the middle. Nearly one in five Dutch people send text or email messages while driving. We also often top the European average on the right. A frequently cited reason for breaking the rules is that the rules are often “illogical” or “inappropriate” for the situation down the road.
However, the Dutch rated their driving behavior favorably compared to drivers from other European countries. People find themselves relatively “wary” and “quiet” behind the wheel. According to many, they do nothing in the countries around us: other Europeans are described as “irresponsible”, “stressed” and “aggressive” on the highway. Perhaps there is a small amount of truth to it: the study shows that the Dutch, on average, do not quickly turn verbally or physically into aggression towards other road users. While in Poland, for example, people indicate that they often go out into a direct confrontation, and in France, insulting other road users is sometimes described as a “national pastime”.

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