Online servers for all Nintendo 3DS and Wii U games were shut down this week, but fans have been working on a replacement service for select handheld and home console games under the name for some time. Pretending. However, this has always required systems to be compromised using exploits in order to run modified firmware versions. For this reason we did not report this service. But now the team has discovered a new vulnerability in the Wii U's SSL protocol that makes it possible to access fan servers without hacking the system itself. Thanks to SSSL, all you have to do is change the DNS settings on your GamePad controller. While a large percentage of games currently available are compatible, there are exceptions. For example, Miiverse messages in Splatoon can only be read, but not written, and some programs, such as YouTube or Watch_Dogs, do not work at all. Since you also have to create a new user account to use the Pretendo ID, empty save games will also be created. Using the homebrew app and the hacked console, you can transfer the saved files to the new account. However, the new method is definitely worth a try. You can get instructions in English here Find.
Will you be using the alternative online service for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U?

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