Link and Samus are passionate fans of each other.
the The Nintendo Switch is one of the most popular consoles ever. It has already sold over 140 million copies. While Nintendo's popularity and the console's innovative design – the combination of portable and stationary units – certainly play a big role in the success of the device, the bottom line is that it's primarily the games that delight young and old.
However, given the Switch’s somewhat modest performance, the console has never been known for its graphics bombshells; in cross-platform titles, owners have generally had to accept most visual limitations. However, in recent years, there have been some visually impressive titles, and the tech experts at Digital Foundry recently picked out the games with the best graphics.
These are the best games on Switch
In their video, the colleagues discuss the 11 titles they found most impressive from a technical perspective. But it's not just the graphics quality that's taken into account in the evaluation. This is also why the remake of Zelda: Link's Awakening, for example, didn't make the list even though it looks really nice – there were too many issues with unstable frame rates.
While the top ten games that Oliver Mackanzie and John Linneman talk about don't follow a specific order, they clearly see one title at the top spot, but to keep things a little interesting, here's the list of other games:
You can find the talk, including all the thoughts on the titles, on the Digital Foundry YouTube channel:
Link to YouTube content
Clear winner, but what do you think?
But now we don’t want to go any further – Digital Foundry considers Luigi’s Mansion 3 to be the first of the most technically impressive games on the Nintendo Switch, which doesn’t surprise us at all. In her testing, our colleague Anne Catherine called the title “eerily beautiful,” and the tech geeks rightly praised the fantastic interplay of light and shadow, among other things.
Of course, we still want to know which game you find most technically impressive. So vote in our poll and distribute up to three votes:
If a title you want to choose isn't on the list, write it in the comments. We have only one restriction: we don't include cloud versions, as in the case of Control. Otherwise, choose between titles that you particularly liked visually or that impressed you technically.
We're excited to see if Luigi's Mansion will also end up being your number one pick, or if it could be another title. We're also looking forward to news about a potential Switch 2 – after all, we're expecting a graphics leap on Nintendo's next console.
Now onto the meatballs, vote and let us know in the comments if you share Digital Foundry's opinion and what titles you see at the top!

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