Last month, the National Football League announced that it would cancel the 2021 Pro Bowl match – news that has gone largely unnoticed given that very few soccer fans are interested in it. But today, as CNBC first reported, NFL announced that it will be reviving the Pro Bowl as a week-long digital event with players competing in EA. Madden NFL 21 While that.
Details are scarce, outside of what “celebrities, NFL legends, current players and broadcast screens have promised,” according to an EA press release. Even the exact date has yet to come. (Pinch down will depend on whether the NFL season is extended to week 18, which is the rumored solution if COVID cases manipulate the schedule further.)
Nevertheless, it is a fun and inevitable solution to what has often been the least necessary tradition in the NFL. The Pro Bowl fills the gap of the week between playoffs and Super Bowl, when the opposing teams are resting. Of course, the NFL fills that empty space with the equivalent of an all-star game, although soccer is a high hit-rate sport, players tend to compete in the Pro Bowl at half speed and soft connection out of respect for one another. (After all, the game’s results are essentially meaningless, unless you think the AFC / NFC rivalry is real.) The result is often the kind of low-stakes solo celebration that attracts an audience smaller than the average Thursday night match. – Although Ryan Tannehill fanboy has heard of fellow QB Deshaun Watson he might make the whole thing worth it.
However, the NFL often uses the Pro Bowl as a way to test things out. Last year, the event introduced a rule that provoked the elimination of kick-off altogether, one of the most dangerous plays in the sport. In 2021, the NFL will see what it’s like to take football completely off the field.

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