After a short stint on Wednesday last week, Dana White’s “Contestant Series” is back to its usual time this evening (Tuesday, November 10, 2020) with five more matches in mixed martial arts (MMA).
The previous show lost somewhat when Gloria de Paula withdrew in short order, but she compensated for it with high quality, awarding contracts to all four winning fighters. Jared Vandera opened the show by finishing Harry Hanseker, Luis Saldana, and Ignacio Bahamonds with ground and pound, and sent Vince Murdock and Edson Gomez in front kicks, and Carlos Olberg blew Bruno Oliveira with bad counters.
Canada-based Paul Marius Ksiazkewitz (8-0) faces Brazilian Mario Sosa (11-1) in the main middleweight attraction tonight. While the common feature sees late substitute Natan Levy (5-0) trying to become the second Israeli fighter in the UFC in a Catchweight match against Shaheen Santana (6-0). Elsewhere, second season opponent Joseph Lowry (9-1) returns to the opponents series against TUF: Brazilian veteran and CFFC champion Nicolas Motta (11-3), brave star Luana Pinheiro meets veteran Stephanie Frausto for 10 years (8-6) Titan FC Champion Danny Sabatillo (8-1) opens the show against Taylor Moore (10-4).
Competitor Chain Quick Results:
Mariusz Ksiazkiewicz vs. Mario Souza – Souza’s victory. Ksiazkiewicz by unanimous decision (30-27, 29-28 x 2)
Shaheen Santana vs Natan Levi – Levi defeated. Santana with the technical presentation (Triangle Arm Throttle) at 0:55 of the third round
Joseph Lowry vs Nicholas Motta – Muta defeated. Lowry by unanimous decision (30-27 x 3)
Luana Pinheiro vs. Stephanie Frausto – Pinheiro was defeated. Frausto by TKO (punches) 2:48 pm first round
Danny Sabatillo Vs. Taylor Moore – Sabatilo defeated. Moore by unanimous decision (30-24, 30-25, 30-26)
Results of playing by the “Competitor Series”:
185 lbs .: Marius Ksiazkiewicz Vs. Mario Souza
First round: Souza opened with head kick attempts. Strong body kick and tries to lunge behind. Inside low kick connects. Ksiazkiewicz barrel grabs a minute knee to the head. Ksiazkiewicz turns him into the mat and lands on top in side control. Briefly, Souza searches to strangle Ezekiel. Two minutes in. Try again. Ksiazkiewicz tries to be crucified, then drifts off guard while searching for the back. Hammer and elbows from weevil. Two minutes to go.
More land and pounds than the Brazilian. Ksiazkiewicz spins to get a tape, loses it, and spins trying to remove. Souza returns to the guillotine a minute ago. It is on the wrong side of the half guard. Ksiazkiewicz tries to control the side and gets stuck in guarding the matter. They hit each other from there. She was blatantly late for Souza’s shot. 9-10 Souza.
Round two: Left hand strong by Souza and punched. Big Knee by Souza. Throwing Ksiazkiewicz with him but getting worse. Return to the center. Souza’s knee as Ksiazkiewicz searches for one leg, Brown’s elbows on the fence. Ksiazkiewicz pulls him again off the fence to lower him half a guard. Souza takes back the guard, relinquishes lateral control, in search of a triangle. Two minutes from the knees to the rear from Ksiazkiewicz. Sousa takes back half of the guard. Ksiazkiewicz searches for an anaconda and gets swept away, then sweeps up in return. Two minutes to go.
Sousa takes back the escort. Hard hammer grip from the back, can not fasten the triangle belt. One minute left. Ksiazkiewicz passes to side control. 10-9 Ksiazkiewicz.
Round three: Souza looks exhausted, but still punches and kicks hard. Ksiazkiewicz takes him to the fence and there is another half-guard removal. Souza still lands with hammer strikes from the back as Ksiazkiewicz looks to pass a minute inside. Sousa takes back the escort. The reference stands at them for two minutes. Swinging hay makeovers, then Ksiazkiewicz locks up again. Same removal again, landing in the front this time. More Hammer Riders from Souza, advancing two minutes before end.
Try a short triangle that doesn’t go anywhere. Ksiazkiewicz returns to a straight ankle lock. One minute left. It turns into an inverted heel hook. Souza is waiting for her and takes first place. Big hammer in the last 20 seconds. Ksiazkiewicz sweeps before the bell. 9-10 Souza.
The end result: Souza won. Ksiazkiewicz by unanimous decision
160 Lbs: Shaheen Santana vs Natan Levy
First round: Santana switch position. Synchronized kicks. Strong spell from Santana, who changes levels and catches the guillotine. Your knees are stiff from Levi’s in the front lock before Santana’s exit. Another shot from Santana. After one minute, Levi reflects off the fence and leads to the side control zone. I’m looking for Kimura. Lose it. After two minutes. Now Americana, he holds his position when Santana gets out. Hammerfists from Santana from behind. Levy takes half guard, denies attempting to stand up. Two minutes to go.
Return to side control goes Levi. Santana tries to lock the keyboard from his back and denies riding. One minute left. Santana appears to be looking to stop him from getting out. 10-9 Levi.
Round two: Levy submits some high kicks to start. The body kicks from Santana, who eats his right hand and a leg in the face before changing levels. Levi places it on his back, only to have Santana threaten a fatal blow and then get Levi back. A full-body triangle in a minute. Levi tries to escalate it. A brief attempt to lengthen Suloev. Rapid transfer of armature rod from Santana. Levi stacks and dislikes his arm before taking the half-guard. Short punches from Levi. Two minutes to go.
Stay heavy from half guard. One minute left. Levi takes some heavy punches. 10-9 Levi.
Round three: Santana tries to start with a front kick, then walks towards grab. Levi’s and reverse tires. A nice little foot sweep in the guard. He looks to create an arm triangle and gets a fist, passes to go up as Santana’s eyes roll into her sockets.
Final result: Levi was defeated. Santana with technical rendering (Triangle Arm Throttle)
155 lbs: Joseph Lowry vs Nicholas Motta
Round 1: A quick swap in the middle, Mota gets the best of it. Head kick blocked. Lowry presses forward with a one-minute set. Left hook from Mota, then one on the counter. Lwry follows the body shot with a kick to the leg. Big trade and left hook sting Lori. Two minutes in. Tough Brazilian combination. Lori tries to jump at the knee and Joy follows him. The low kick lands, then set to respond to the head kick. Two minutes to go.
Another heavyweight combination from Motta where Lowry steps in. Lowry sends out a few punches, then attempts the naked low kick that causes him to drop by hitting a right. Not a hard knockout so a death won’t jump on him. One minute left. Header death kick shortens. Lori tries to come forward with punches. Body and low kick from Mota. They trade before the bell. 9-10 dead.
Round two: Lori put an eye poke at the start. Physical kick from Mota. Warn Lori again to keep his fingers extended, and he eats a left hook soon after. One minute in. Cross Counter arrives at Motta. Connect lead. Lori steps in and eats a left hook that sets off the Mota drain. Mota runs off the fence for two minutes. Lori somehow manages to absorb blows and strike back, even though his nose is clearly broken. He tries to kick his head after things slow down. Two minutes to go.
Lori squeezes the body, landslide with a mixture, and now Mota is backing down. Heavy counter ground for the Brazilian. The hard left hook connects while they are trading the center. Lori tries a physical kick and eats a left hook. One minute later, Motta tries to kick his head, taking more heavy punches. Solid Body and Right Hand Shots by Lori. Counter 2-3 of Mota. Lori kicks the body as he tries to remove the bell. 9-10 dead.
The third round: a tough encounter by Mota early. 2-3 shorten twice in a row. Connects to Jab. One minute later. Lori lands in the left basement. Exterior logo. The plural form Mota as Lorry is inclined. Both are right earth. Two minutes in. It’s hard to let go of Hawkeye Mota. Lori counter hook. Lori walks down now, and lands with a big hit and body. Retracts group, takes right down tube and left hook. Back with a group. Two minutes to go.
Muta puts his right hand in combination. Lori presses forward, and is forced to retreat by combos. Another large hook to the left by MOTA, which changes level. Motta flurry and Lowry flurry in contrast. Header kick from Mota. Correct cross a minute before. Big fluctuations in the discount and Lowry changes levels. Two short knees downstairs. 9-10 dead.
The end result: Motta def. Laurie by unanimous decision
115 Lbs: Luana Pinheiro Vs. Stephanie Frausto
Round one: Pinheiro takes center right off the bat. Frausto looks to hit from a distance. Low falling kicks. One minute in. Pinheiro shortens his right hand. The leg kick lands, and the physical kick eats in return. More low kicks from both women. After two minutes. Frausto unleashed a low kick and immediately gave a violent dash in response, crashing her onto the mat and prompting Pinheiro to polish it.
Final result: Pinheiro won. Frausto from TKO (punches)
135 Lbs: Danny Sabatilo vs Taylor Moore
First round: Sabatilo puts his legs in goalkeeper in the first seconds. Short ground pound. One minute in. Keep getting away. Short lift. Two minutes in. Another small hit. Continue to work from the guard. Two minutes to go.
More of the same. One minute left. Moore doesn’t put much effort in the back other than keeping Sabatilo on guard. I think 10-8 is just one-sided.
Round two: Moore’s low kick to start. Shoots, sprawling. Sabatilo looking for the back. Moore was briefly pushed off the fence. Short punches of turtle, one hook per minute. There’s an RNC under the chin, but Moore got an angle and managed to get a half guard down below. More Chisel Shots by Sabatillo. Two minutes in. Keep pushing from the guard while remaining tight. Two minutes to go.
Things continue. One minute left. Rigid elbows. 8-10 Sabatilo.
Round Three: Moore lands with an early kick. He lay on the first shot, then was led to the fence. Sabatilo rephoots and directs it, avoiding kimura in the process. Punches from half of the guard. Back to full. One minute in. More land and pounds. After two minutes. It passes to half a guard. Looking for a mountain two minutes ago to go.
Right hands and short elbow. Moore tries to make way, and briefly relinquishes his back before Sabatilo regains half of his caution. Back to full. Saptillo waves at him and hits him as he does. 9-10 Sabatillo.
Final result: Defeated Sabatilo. Moore by unanimous decision
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