Paying for a whole set is no longer important, you simply send to ten people a tiki from a few euros. But do you also send Tikkie in lower amounts?
Not even EUR
One of them does it faster than the other and it can be for different reasons. Some may not be well off financially, but others may be a bit stingy. Nowadays it has become easier to send a payment request, so it is also easy to do it for very small amounts. Like Tikkie for less than a euro, for example.
Opinions differ about Tikkie’s sending and how much. For example, Yesim got Tikkie for a drink. They differ.
Diane is also not a fan of push requests.
On the other hand, Mielle’s mother keeps everything clean and tidy.
Laura doesn’t mind being stingy either.
Join the conversation
what do you think? Do you think we have all become stingy since the payment request was submitted? Or do you find it very useful? What is the minimum amount for Tikkie? Join the conversation on our Facebook page!
Also listen to the podcast Ongefilterd with Kitty and Elif about Tikkieterreur. Why are the Dutch so stingy?

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