The differences in Netflix content between countries are huge. According to figures from, the United States has the most titles available with 5,183 items. Netflix also has a number of movies and series available for Canada (3,452) and the United Kingdom (3,039).
A few videos
For example, the Netherlands has to make do with 1,744 videos, Germany with 1,598, and France with 1,811. Small countries like Suriname and Sint Maarten have twice as many movies (!). Strange, isn’t it? “The younger the service, the smaller the offer,” says Joris Evers, Netflix’s head of communications. “We started streaming in the US in 2007, so we had nine years to invest, expand our offering and build our membership base.” Evers compares the US library to that in Poland or Romania, for example, where Netflix will only be available this year: “There are far fewer titles available there. The offer depends on the maturity of the service.” Netflix services in the US countries, including small countries like Martinique or Suriname, are more mature and therefore see more content.
However, I don’t quite understand why Netflix would deliberately choose to block VPNs. It’s not Netflix’s fault, it’s the producers’. “We prefer not to do this, but according to the contracts, we must use the most advanced technologies to block virtual border crossings. If we don’t, we will be violating the licensing agreements with the producers.” Let Joris know.
Exclusively for Netherlands
You might think Americans have it all figured out, but we can’t complain either. For example, we can watch the Breaking Bad spinoff, Better Call Saul , but Americans can’t. Americans also can’t watch popular (and my favorite) shows like Penny Dreadful , Nashville , and Orphan Black .
As I wrote before, Netflix is striving to offer a global offering. The streaming service is already trying to do that as much as possible by creating its own Netflix Originals. And who knows, maybe in a few years Netflix will consist of only Originals. I don’t really mind because I love Netflix Originals! Speaking of which… Orange is the New Black is online since today and we can expect these Originals this year>

Evil tv scholar. Proud twitter aficionado. Travel ninja. Hipster-friendly zombie fanatic.