The so-called Great Resignation continues apace, with record numbers of US and UK workers quitting their jobs in search of better pay and more fulfilling work, leading to a shortage of workers at all levels. Meanwhile, record numbers of people who are staying put are seeking a raise, greater responsibility, or better perks at work.
In the past year, many of us have re-assessed what is important to us, as well as understood our value. If you are looking to get that raise you have been dying to ask for, now seems to be the time to ask. Before you go for it, make sure to look at these simple ways to boost your worth to your company and justify your salary increase.
Improve your math
Probably the easiest thing you can do to almost instantly boost your price tag on the job market is to increase your math skills. In fact, the Learning Institute estimates that employees with basic math skills earn $21,000 more per year than their counterparts without math skills. That’s why now is the time to invest in rapid, one-on-one math tutoring that can quickly give you numbers skills you can demonstrate to your employer.
Don’t forget your people skills
Another skill set that is absolutely essential when stating your case for a raise is people skills. In fact, research has shown that employees that are able to demonstrate strong people skills tend to command much higher salaries than their peers and have greater opportunities for promotion. If you are good at handling customers, managing client relationships, or just getting along with others, make sure to let your boss know that this comes at a premium.
Responsibility pays
If you want a raise, you still need to explain why you are entitled to it. Typically, an increased compensation package will come with an expectation of increased responsibility. That is why it is crucial to show that you are ready to take this on. Now is the time to take on more projects and leadership roles within your current position, as these will prove to be invaluable pieces of evidence when you finally decide to ask for that raise.
Have long-term goals
When an employer gives you a raise, especially a substantial one, they are making an investment in you as an employee in the hopes that you will stay on with them. In order to make a more compelling case, it helps to have clear long-term goals you can share with your employer. Where do you wish to be within the company in one year, or five years? How do you wish to make your mark on the company? Why should your boss invest more in you now?
Pop the question
Once you have considered the above, the only thing left to do is pop the big question. To increase your chances of success, you will want to do it the right way. Don’t spring it on them. Schedule a meeting in advance with a clear agenda — they will appreciate this. Be reasonable and set realistic expectations. Calmly and convincingly state your case, and don’t hesitate to share if you’re feeling undervalued or not listened to. If your employer is not listening and is unwilling to countenance a raise for all of your hard work, it might be time to consider jumping ship. After all, the job market’s former losses have been reversed, meaning that workers are once more in control.
If you are seeking a raise, you are not alone. By following these steps, you can boost your chances of success and get the compensation you deserve for a hard day’s work.

Avid music fanatic. Communicator. Social media expert. Award-winning bacon scholar. Alcohol fan.